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An Old soul

They say there's a time and place for everything. Somehow it seems as though I've missed the train to my time and place. Although I'm in the budding youth of adulthood I feel as though I've been around the block one too many times already. An “old soul”; they say that too; maybe it's true. I certainly relate to a more mature mentality, and yet, how old has yet to be determined. Can it be? I doubt it. There's something to a true old soul that makes it indeterminable. As though, rather than being simply a soul from a generation gone by, the old soul is actually a soul who has progressed though time and generations carrying its accumulated wisdom like a pack that doesn't always open but is unmistakably visible to those who truly see them.

Most people are confused and others are blind when confronted by an old soul. The people who cannot or choose not to see the truth behind an ancient spirit usually are unable to see other obvious truths in life either. Other fitting popular idioms: ignorance is bliss, the blind leading the blind. We are often seen as weird, old-fashioned (in a negative way) and ill-adapted to modern society; shunned and bullied in subtle ways to encouraged others to think the same. Peculiar, wholesome and old-fashioned (in a “vintage” and quirky way) is our image to those who are kind but confused. They aren't wrong, but the weight and depth of an old soul’s reflections are missed or only lightly considered by the light hearted. They can only see the tip of the ice berg. In the end, it seems that the only ones able to see the magnitude of an ancient thinker are others who are in the same boat; those who have their own heavy packs to carry.

Maybe I’m a cynical old goat or perhaps these people are just among the confused lot, but with a few less brain cells, but there are a certain group of people who are likely the ones who unknowingly encourage those pitifully blind individuals. This group of people are the ones who like to believe they have old souls (and seem to advertize it to anyone they can as though it’s “in vogue”) because they appear to appreciate an older style of something-or-other: music, furniture, clothing, vocabulary, and even morals and values. While appreciating the latter of these things is highly recommended in today’s chaotic society, doing so does not prove the age of one’s soul. It goes a little deeper than that.

It is my belief that displaying the possession of an old soul is next to impossible. There’s a depth of consciousness; an intricate method of thought; a contemplative and insatiable internal dwelling that inexplicably fills the body to its expanses while simultaneously echoing in the marrows of reality. I never thought I had this “old soul” that people speak of. I only adopted it because others would use the term to try to explain me - Why a person needs explaining is beyond me, cant we just be. It was (and still is) too broad, misunderstood, misrepresented, and vague of a label. Unfortunately, it’s the best thing I’ve got just yet, that can be used with any sort of general understanding of an “old soul”

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